Monday, March 7, 2016

Interview with Elle Boyd, author of A Way With Words

Today I would like to welcome author Elle Boyd back to Books to Light Your Fire. She was here the other day as we promoted her new book A Way With Words. Now, you can get to know even more about her and her book. 

Thanks for stopping by! And feel free to leave your own questions in the comments section.

What was the inspiration for this book?
The idea of being young and away from home for the first time, and how new experiences are so meaningful in early adulthood.
This is part one of a series. How many more installments can we expect?
Right now I'm anticipating just one sequel, but I'm open to writing more if it feels like there is more story to tell.
Which character spoke to you the most?
My lead character, Mackenzie, goes through so many changes in the first book. She's experiencing her first relationship, first physical intimacy, life in a big city for the first time. I really enjoying writing her and going on this journey with her.
What is one of your favorite scenes?
One of my favorite scenes is the first time Mackenzie gets a "real" first kiss... I don't want to spoil how it plays out, but it is very romantic.
On what are you working right now?
I'm halfway through the sequel to A Way With Words, and hoping to have it ready by May 2016.
When you aren't writing, what can you be found doing?
I'm an actress, which is one of the reasons I write under a pen name! I'm very outgoing in many aspects of my life, but I like to keep writing as a separate and more solitary hobby.
What is something from your bucket list that you'd be willing to share with us?
I want to go on a culinary tour of Italy and take cooking classes there with my husband. Food can be sexy and romantic, too!

Available on Amazon

Author Bio:

Elle Boyd is a writer living in Los Angeles, California.

Follow her on Twitter: @wordsromance

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