Sunday, February 24, 2013

'Heaven Scent' by Virginia Alison Book Tour

Western Erotica / Romantica
Heaven Scent
Author -
Virginia Alison
Published on: November 30, 2012


Fate has her wicked way in this compelling trilogy set in modern day Texas. Encompassing strong family bonds within a powerful, yet light hearted romantic saga, from the first lost note and missed telephone call Evan and Ginny fight against the odds to find their own little piece of heaven. Seemingly influenced by an old arrowhead and the sweet scent of jasmine, their lives swirl within a whirlwind of laughter and heartbreak as they rush headlong towards their destiny.

Excerpt from Chapter 2 Ginny’s Story
Unfortunately, missing her alarm, she woke up with a start at the noise of a beeping horn. Shivering as the cool morning air blew into the room through the flapping curtains and looking at her watch, she realized that her car would be waiting, and skedaddled into the shower, dressed, put her hair up in a ponytail, and threw her clothes into the case. Scribbling him a note with her name and phone number, she placed it on top of his clothes.

Bending down she whispered into his ear.

“Dream sweet Cowboy, see you soon.”

Kissing him lightly on the cheek, she closed the door quietly behind her as she left. The journey into the city was full of questions for which she had no answers. The intensity of their passion shook her, and she regretted not awakening him, and not even knowing his name. Convinced he would ring later in the day, by the time she arrived at her appointment, she was calm, cool and collected. The meetings went well and finished on time.

Arriving at the airport, Ginny checked her phone for the umpteenth time that day and her heart was as heavy as her weary footsteps while she climbed the steps to the plane, looking back longingly at what she may or may not be leaving behind.

She managed a little sleep through the relatively short plane journey, jerking awake every so often as visions of the Cowboy invaded her subconscious. Unfortunately, each time she awakened her perception concerning the entire incident changed little by little, as they landed, she concluded that maybe he was not her soul mate but just another fling to be stored in the back of her mind and best forgotten.

So her mundane life continued. Weeks passed, she worked, she travelled again, but avoided contact with the opposite sex for some reason, and she could not fathom why she had just lost interest. Dreams kept her tossing and turning in her bed at night, and each morning she awoke more discontented than the previous day. Then came the morning when she rose from a restless night, flung open the window and caught a whiff of her favorite scent. The jasmine, growing around her porch was finally in bloom, a sure sign that summer was on the way. Skipping into the kitchen, her heart lighter than it had been for many a day, she made a cup of tea, and drank it sitting on the veranda, inhaling the calming aroma of the delicate white flowers.

Amazon Buy Links: Heaven Scent \ Heaven Re-Scent \ Heaven Scented \ Heaven Scent the Trilogy

Author Bio:

Born in Bournemouth, England, Virginia’s gypsy heritage led her to a rather unusual childhood. Her father worked within the oil industry and she spent much of her younger years travelling. Schooled in several countries until the age of eight, and fluent in several languages, on attending boarding school in the UK, she found delight in the extensive ‘English’ library, and her love of reading was born. From there the travelling continued, around the UK, Wales and then finally finishing in Canada, where she attended, and graduated from St John High school in New Brunswick. Her love of the English language was due partly to the inspiration of her English Tutor. An Oxford Don, he despaired of the American/English idioms, and as she was the only English student in the school, found her a delight to teach.

Spending another year in working in Canada, life then returned her to England and on to the remote Shetland Isles for three years. Following her return to the UK, she threw herself into floristry for fifteen years, and her artistic talents took another turn when she picked up a pen for the first time to write her first dragon fantasy novel. It took another ten years and the passing of her artistic father, to discover her talent for painting. Setting out on a new path, she now paints celebrity portraits to raise money for charities. Through Face book in 2010 she met a friend who encouraged her to take up writing again, shortly after this inspiration which rekindled her spiritual beliefs, she met her (writing collaborator and co-conspirator) Keith David. They now combine their sensual words drawn from the depths of their souls, to captivate the imagination, and entice the reader to discover their innermost desires.

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