Welcome to the tour for That Guy and That Girl by Natalia Albrite. Not only do I have an excerpt and review for you today, but the author also tells all about her five essentials for writing. The list is pretty familiar to me! Please enjoy all of it and feel free to ask Natalia questions in the comments section. And then be sure to follow the tour to learn even more and for more chances to enter the giveaway!
That Guy and That Girl
Olivia Meadows is excited to finish her senior year of college as a volleyball national champion beside her teammates and best friends. A complication arrives in the form of John Hunter, that guy, her brother’s best friend whom she has had a secret crush on since she was eleven years old. Effortlessly charming and handsome, with a body honed by years of playing football, John initiates his charm offensive and Olivia finds herself unable to resist him.John Hunter is pumped to finish his senior year of college as a football national champion beside his teammate and best friend. The only thing missing is that girl, Olivia Meadows, his best friend’s little sister. He needed to sow some wild oats before settling down with Olivia but now he is ready for something serious with the girl he has always admired.
Be careful what you wish for. John and Olivia find themselves dealing with adult consequences very quickly and wondering if their young love can endure the pressures of adulthood. Will they find deeper love or implode from the pressures of their own making?
Read an excerpt:
“Hey, I’ve missed you and I’m really glad to see you,” he says as he looks deep into my eyes. Simple words that say everything I want to hear right now. This is exactly what we need: to keep it simple and direct.
I want him to kiss me and I want him to do it now. I want to say ditto so we can get to the good stuff faster but just as quickly I decide to be as clear as he was, “I’ve missed you too and I’m so glad you’re here.”
We both stare at each other for a few seconds and then eventually smirk. He nods and says, “I’m gonna kiss the shit out of you now.”
I nod as he pulls me in closer. One arm moves to my lower back. I place my hands back on the pecs I want to appreciate more fully. He touches his lips to mine so gently. In some ways I want him to rush. I want him to deepen things quickly. But in more ways, I want him to take it slow and let this burn slow between us. It feels like forever since we have appreciated each other in this way.
He is clearly taking the slow route and eventually adds the slightest bit of tongue to his kisses. It’s subtle and I both love and hate the slowness in escalation. I involuntarily moan quietly. He knows how to build the tension. He pulls back and looks into my eyes again, “I love you.”
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It's more than just a romance. It's also about friendship, loyalty, the importance of family, and how to really make an effort to have a successful relationship with your significant other, because that requires some actual work.
You're going to question some of their decisions and root for them the whole way, even when you're just as mad at them as they can be with each other. I felt like this story could happen to just about anyone and actually wonder if it was based on real-life events somehow. I really enjoyed this book and am impressed that it is the author's debut novel. It looks like a sequel is in the works and I am really looking forward to reading that one next.
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review.
**My thoughts**
Wow. This is the first romance that I have read in a long time that went straight to the gut and just felt REAL. Yes, you have the long-awaited romance between the girl and her brother's best friend. I love those friends to lovers stories. But it isn't all rainbows and fairy tales and gets complicated very quickly. John and Olivia are dealing with the very real issues of race, making plans for the future after college, and then those little surprises that life sometimes likes to dish out. They stumble along the way, hoping that their long friendship and deep feelings for each other can get them through it all and ride a very real roller coaster that is so true to life. And all of the situations are handled in a non-preachy manner. It's more than just a romance. It's also about friendship, loyalty, the importance of family, and how to really make an effort to have a successful relationship with your significant other, because that requires some actual work.
You're going to question some of their decisions and root for them the whole way, even when you're just as mad at them as they can be with each other. I felt like this story could happen to just about anyone and actually wonder if it was based on real-life events somehow. I really enjoyed this book and am impressed that it is the author's debut novel. It looks like a sequel is in the works and I am really looking forward to reading that one next.
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review.
My Top 5 Essentials for Writing by Natalia Albrite
#1: Pen and Paper
I was asked recently a simple question: pen and paper or computer? I loved the opportunity to stop and think about something I had taken for granted. This moment of reflection made me evaluate how essential pen and paper really are to me. I also got to see how all of my creativity starts with pen and paper—it really is my consistent origin point. Yes, the ideas and forms evolve from there but they always begin on a blank piece of paper and usually with my black .7 Pilot G-2 gel roller. There is something—dare I say it—spiritual, about literally beginning by hand!
#2: My Trusty MacBook
At some point, after I’ve exhausted the brainstorming and outlining phase on paper, I move on to my laptop. I have a sleek little MacBook that my amazing mom gave me for my birthday about three years ago. It was her way of supporting my dreams and I am forever grateful. It is on this laptop that I wrote That Guy and That Girl and many other pieces that I’m incredibly proud of!
#3: Coffee
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I’m a Starbucks obsessed addict. My husband, every once in a while, says, “I wonder how much you spend there in a year?” I always shut him down quickly because for me, it really doesn’t matter. My daily Starbucks treat is an indulgence that brings me so much joy that it’s essentially priceless to me. I love to fiddle around with my drink order and although I have simplified over the years, it is a mouthful to order (my kids can do it without pause): iced triple espresso with two pumps of toffee nut with extra ice in a personal cup. And then, I may write.
#4: Quiet Space
There are so many things about growing older that I love. Possibly my favorite thing is the depth at which I know myself and my willingness to be honest about all my quirks. I am a person who needs and loves solitude. I also have a husband and two really fun children so it’s not always possible but I do treasure it and I do need it to write. I’ve learned how to ask for quiet and I know that trying to write under any other circumstances is self-defeating.
#5: Structure
I am solidly in the outliner camp of writing. I blame it on having started writing with screenplays which are based in a very strict format and structure. I find that structure to be incredibly liberating. It turns out that I like having parameters and then having the opportunity to be creative within those parameters. There’s something very inspiring in limitations which may seem counter-intuitive but for me, it works. So, I always fully outline and give my work structure before diving into the writing phase. Even for this blog piece, I sat down and outlined it first by figuring out my subject, writing up the top five and coming back in to add the details.
What are your top 5 essentials for writing? How do you get yourself in the groove? I’d love to hear what gets you going!
About Natalia Albrite

Natalia is a lifelong reader and lover of romance novels. Before finally tapping away at her keyboard to create her own stories, she tried all sorts of professions: elementary school teacher, barista, seller of make-up, baker, and the list goes on. When she isn't pursuing the arts, she's hanging out with her husband, two wacky children, and full-figured Corgi.
Website: www.nataliaalbrite.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAlbrite
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD-cYs7QgaRDMJMSy2QimNA
Instagram: http://instagram.com/nataliaalbrite
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nataliaalbrite/
Natalia Albrite will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
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