Tuesday, August 25, 2015

'Immortal Love (Book 1 Werewolf Alpha Romance)' by Madison Hart


Anthony led a normal life, spending his days working in a mill as a logger, cutting down trees and drinking beers after work with his friends. That is until one day he was left alone in the woods and was attacked by a fearsome wolf, but not just any wolf. The wolf that bit him was a werewolf and now Anthony finds himself awakened in a strange place, surrounded by people he doesn’t know, without any signs of the wolf’s attack anywhere on his body. He’s told that he is now a werewolf and Anthony begins a new life as an immortal, finding solace in a beautiful woman named Julia by day but by night forced to meet his new fate and become the pack’s new Alpha leader. Anthony finds himself torn between following the ancient laws and falling in love with Julia.


About the author:
Madison Hart is a thirty-something that lives in Florida with her husband and two dogs. She is a long time reader of romance and sci-fi and decided to try her hand at both. She loves hearing from readers and wants to know what people think of her work.

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